Weekly meetings are the glue that holds a Boy Scout troop together. Troop 63 meets weekly during the school year on Thursday evening from 7:00 pm to 8:30pm at Saint Elizabeth's Episcopal Church located at 1 Morse Road in Sudbury Massachusetts.
Our troop welcomes any boy who meets the age requirement: be a boy who is 11 years old, or one who has completed the fifth grade, or earned the Arrow of Light Award and is at least 10 years old, but is not yet 18 years old. A boy who is interested in Scouting may visit any weekly troop meeting together with a parent or guardian. For girls interested in scouting, we strongly suggest checking out our sister troop, Troop 65.
Meetings begin with an opening ceremony conducted by the Scouts. There are a variety of fun activities which follow the opening ceremony. The mix of activities will vary each week.
Skills Instruction: New Scouts who have not yet achieved the rank of First Class learn basic Scouting skills with instruction provided by senior Scouts.
Activity Nights: Each month, a troop meeting is devoted entirely to an Activity Night theme chosen by the Scouts, such as Movie Night, Video Games, Sports, or Board and Card Games.
Merit Badges: Senior Scouts are offered the opportunity to earn merit badges under the guidance of adult merit badge counselors, including the merit badges which are required to become an Eagle Scout.
Patrol Meetings: Our troop consists of several groups of Scouts called patrols. Each patrol elects a Scout to be their leader. The patrols have meetings to make plans for activities and outings.
Patrol Spirit: Activities are organized which build team spirit within the patrol. Each patrol creates a unique identity including a flag which they have designed. Competitive events between patrols are a popular patrol spirit activity.
Physical Activity: Opportunities for physical activity may include games such as dodge ball, or fitness competitions with sit-ups, pull-ups, push-ups, and running.
Good Turns: The Scout Slogan is Do a Good Turn Daily. We organize a troop-level Good Turn community service activity each month, and some of these occur during weekly meetings.
Court of Honor: Scouts are formally recognized for achieving advancement goals during this official ceremony, which occurs several times each year.
Eagle Court of Honor: Scouts who have achieved the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest rank in Boy Scouting, are formally recognized during this very special public event.
The meeting concludes with a closing ceremony conducted by the Scouts. During the closing ceremony, the Scoutmaster will present a short story based on Scouting's values. This is called the Scoutmaster Minute.