On the October outing for 2017 a small group of Scouts went on a hike and summitted a mountain called Piko Peak in Vermont. We set out for the hike on Friday night and arrived in Vermont after dark. Fortunately the campsites had large wooden lean-to's so we had no need to set up tents. We set up our sleeping bags and headed straight to bed because we knew we had a long day of hiking ahead of us. Because we were waiting for a few additional scouts to join us, we had the time to cook a large breakfast of pancakes and sausage.
Once the additional scouts arrived we promptly got our packs ready and hit the trail. It was a challenging but rewarding hike with gorgeous views at the top. We met other hikers and some dogs along the trail, a few of which had some interesting questions for us. Once we arrived back at the campsite we had some time to sit and relax before dinner. For dinner, we had tacos in a bag which is a troop favorite. After dinner we headed up to the Scoutmasters' campsite for a campfire where we told many jokes, some of them were even funny. We all slept well in our lean to's after such a great hike.
The next morning we woke up, ate a quick breakfast and began the trip home. It was a great hike and I can't wait to hit the trail again with Troop 63.